Ready to start feeling at peace?

Olivia Isaacs, LMFTA

You remember a time when feeling worried, on edge, out of balance, or numb wasn’t the “norm” … but those days feel like a distant memory. Don’t you wish you had the tools to change that?

You’ve come to the right place.

I’m Olivia, and I help people just like you: ones that have it within them to feel at peace and whole, but just need the support to get there.

I help my clients find their voice and connection with their bodies by equipping them with the tools they need to find empathy and compassion towards themselves and others.

Many of today’s solutions for feeling disconnected don’t account for shame and trauma, and instead utilize a “blame-approach” (i.e. “you feel this way because you aren’t thinking right, drinking enough water, or saving enough money,” etc). This leads many to believe they are at fault and must deserve to feel the way they feel. I know that your circumstances are unique, so I use a person-centered approach to help you understand your current situation, how you got there, and how you might find your way out.  My priority is to help you build compassion and appreciation for yourself so that you can start living the beautiful life you deserve.

First, we will identify the feelings and stories that we’ve learned about ourselves that keep us feeling down and disconnected. Then, we use evidenced-based strategies that increase feelings of safety, compassion, and balance. Through our work together, you’ll learn how your mind and body impact your ability to show up in the world, and how to show up as your authentic self.

I am dedicated to helping people feel seen, understood, and safe.

My training in systems theory and trauma means I have the expertise you need and deserve when trying to heal. At the end of the day, you want to know you’re working with someone who “gets” what it means to be a human struggling with life, right?

I get it because, like you, I know what it’s like to feel unsafe and unseen. I have dedicated my life to better understanding how the many systems around us affect us. I know that life is hard for everyone, and sometimes it seems to be more and more the case. When we work together, you won’t just get a trained therapist, you’ll get someone to compassionately walk with you through life. I will hold space for you to be exactly how and who you are, and I can hold hope for you when you can’t.

Expertise and Education


  • Master’s of Counseling Psychology with Specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy - University of San Francisco


  • LMFTA, State of Indiana


  • Embodied Spirituality - Applied Polyvagal Theory in Yoga (2023)

  • Cultivating a Courageous Heart: Using Somatic Mindfulness to Become an Embodied Anti-Racist (2021

  • Somatic IFS (2021)

  • Embodiment in Trauma Treatment (2021)

  • Client Meaning-Making: Working w/ Spirituality in Psychotherapy (2023)

  • Clinical Competency In Religion & Self-Concept in the Face of Trauma (2023)

  • Counseling Couples in Crisis: Perspectives & Interventions from Two Different Models (2023)

  • Surviving Motherhood: Giving Voice to Childbirth Experiences and Trauma of Black Mothers (2023)

  • Providing Inclusive, Respectful Care to Your Gender Questioning, Transgender, & Nonbinary Clients (2023)

  • Disaster Mental Health: How to Help in the Aftermath of a Tragedy (2022)

  • Healing Invisible Wounds: Working Through Past Sexual Trauma in Relationships (2022)